Tuesday, October 22

#105 October 22nd. Year 4.

courtesy: pixabay.com

The closest to me know
date recall is something I need to
Yet today is carved into my being,
I couldn't forget, even if I traded it
for better memories I wish I could lengthen

And yet...I was still late;

found out 2 days past this date that
you had left suddenly...
the sheer jolt surreal
that forever young was your fate.
daily nightmares from the weeks before
were preferable to reality's shape
but there it was -
forever young...was your fate.

On our separate life paths for weeks
...at times months
during studies, years.
Few texts, more emails.
Then eventually - always
ongoing conversations,
messages - calls
for hours and days.
No time to be irate,
through tough love or spirited debates
there were eye rolls, jokes for days
laughing till tears
We were discussing Paulo Coelho of late
The Alchemist.
Like if we hadn’t seen each other in years
Like if nothing had changed.
Re-learning what had changed.
And what hadn’t--that
everything held verses
gospel, music, prose, galaxies.
still the only friend that could
finish and draw out this poetry
hiding inside...just
Effortlessly. Randomly.
Back and forth non-stop
Word challenging.
Metaphoric cosmos.
My verse ender,
You were flow master.
We fed creatively off a mutual table
prepared of...
Artisic Theology
You were an encourager-
A  Wordsmith.
Walked with Messiah

Grief found closure almost 3 years after...
Grief found closure almost 3 years after.

knew it was over
when that song no longer sounded like anger...
‘Cause back then;
sorrow pressed, inked sharply into my throat
breaking skin,
dotting drops seething into disbelieving shock
and questions
shaping hollow forms that my prayers
seemed unable to utter - all drawn in,
harshly strained, tattooed harmonies
toned dissonant.
Misadventure...broken voice
eventually emerging
caved silence
tainted rasping...

formed beauty from this chapter,
and now,
the song resung
is now devoid of the ashes of anger;
joy did return with morning light,
and I'm thankful.

If tears were designed to bring you back,
trust me bro, you’d still be living
if songs sung could make me hear
your easy laugh again -
I would never once stop singing.
Yet, even if your shell wasn’t
immune to the auto immune.
You made your life stance clear.
Last whatsapp profile pic.
Just like you. A psalm.
reflected the Highest who sent you here.
Your life encouraged me to be selfless
and your death taught me perspective:
To let Yah’s grace lead
To be truly thankful,
lifting up in love whomever I should meet...
To give and take no thought to receive
For our lives in its becoming is lengthy,
but in actual journey, is quite short
when complete
and we all live by numbered days
whose end we can’t perceive...
boldly lived by the Word that shaped your
finite days then and now, in eternity
you demonstrated how much by far
quality of friendship supersedes quantity;
and how time well spent resounds in
the unspoken places of the lives of those
you touch long after you leave,
though somber that thought may be.

4 years have gone..
I had always found it disrespectful how
irreverently time moves forward.
Now I’m grateful it does.
The present is just one more day gifted
to humbly receive and choose to give love
in and with truth...
I’ll skip the S.I.P
because sleep doesn’t define
how your essence now moves...
Currently. You are.
soul awake - infinite
with I Am in paradise
on this earthly plane
I’ll always miss your light
But for now, while I’m alive
I’ll empty me till purpose shines...
whatever life brings or may look like
and since to die is gain in Christ...
I Am. Certain.
I will see yah...
First. the Word raised.
Capitalised. Last. Ancient of days.
and then I will see you...

Wordsmith. A memoir of sweet poetry.
An ode to gently piercing light
pulsing out from a verdant, hilly city
salty winds fragrant with the savour
of being co-heirs with royalty...
clothed in joy unspeakable and full of glory.

My Inspiration: Roger

© KohylahPiper 2019

1 comment :

  1. Always touching the soul.... always in tune with rhythm... the chaos of alchemy is the minds playground .... to surrender to emotions ..,.. and learn to flow with it is truly something that cannot be taught but expressed .... you bleed..... in a way ..... that strikes a cord so deep it ricochets to the inner child in me ..... grateful and humbled . Selah . ase


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Think on these things...Selah

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