Monday, November 9

#46 Forgiven

I remember you most

when I look at the sky

admiring pink mists

floating through blues

at eventide

in the found places

of lost time

that waxes and wanes

with the drifting air

and clothes the

shadow-filled atmosphere.

I miss the sequences

set to replay

over cliffs

that blend into the ocean’s mystery

sheltered under the frigate’s

broad wings

that had abandoned

the sullen coasts

that framed turquoise,

clear seas

and I think of you


how you constantly

think of me…


How abrupt were your


washed off by the foams

that salted the sprays

I enjoyed so much before…


I know this as this world spins

it can be recaptured again

maybe not in the way

nor with the same motion

there will be a different sky

a different view of the ocean

but I believe

if I keep moving

though this world

I’ll meet you somewhere

in the middle

amidst all of these moments…

calling my name

as it always was


My Inspiration: The Sky

© KohylahPiper 2015

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