Saturday, September 26

#27 Absent

courtesy: Wordpress Blog Random_Michelle

She had found protection
in concealing her true nature
behind leather bindings of
Christie’s, Eyre’s and
Hemingway’s chatter,
for their world
though pained
and mysteriously truthful
was easier than
the surroundings
life forced her to be
committed to.
She loathed being an
unadjusted prototype
of the monotonous mass
of black and white or grey
coloured folks
who were content to pass
by this changing world
indifferent to the lack
of spiritual resources
that had been emptying
than the destruction
wreaking havoc on its
human culture.
It was ironic…
she had often felt,
how her world fed
so hungrily
on its own death;
seemingly unknowing
yet purposefully
creating dearth
wherever it went.
Hate was abundant
whenever love
was buried alive
and lies infiltrated homes
darkening the ideals
of housed souls
where truth
once vivaciously
carried the light
that reduced
many energy bills
to more than twice
their content
wiping away the smut
of dirty carbon footprints
that were left in places of her
own being
though she had tried
to reduce the overloading
of her programmed mind.
And she shifted her focus
back to Hemingway's chatter
that had filled the lived in
silences of her loss of laughter
in this empty world
that sacrificed trust and hope
for suspicion and fear
since everyone,
like her
in this nearly absent world
had disappeared.


My Inspiration:  World News & Photo Prompt by Random_Michelle


© KohylahPiper 2015

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