Saturday, August 22

#7 What’s wrong with our love?

courtesy : BSK

What’s wrong with our love, loves?

It’s so short lived.

It starts out with a bright flame

only ending in ashes

so full of passion

yet wrought with destruction

streamlined with fears, and mistakes

that outlive good intentions,

we pledge ourselves before God and man

binded with spheres that promise

the unbroken;


made of titanium and precious stones

whose kryptonite is revealed only as time unfolds

through damaging words, and absentee-isms

judgements that see clearly

out of lenses

condemned by impaired vision

of realities.


Arising from insecurities roots

weakening the vine

eventually dying

from its feed of unclarified assumptions,

fear of knowing and accepting truth.

From the inability to let go

and forgive.


Not  just with words,

but with the heart, mind, and soul


Smiling yet hiding the secret belief that two

really can’t become


Since we partake daily from the plate

that states

each man for himself is what makes us what we always wished

but could never be…


We are unable to face the worst

after the better times disappear

till death do us part

is just the reason to pull the trigger

abusing with every method we’ve learnt

sometimes the worst, from each other

more than just a trigger finger

that blames…

but the prideful ego that never reflects

on one’s part played in the overall shame.

Every day we kill each other

long before our actual deaths

we forego exposing our vulnerabilities

it’s preferable to lay it all to rest.

Our short term will is what we bring

to power the long term haul

cherishing the fragrant rose bed

ignoring the inevitable blasphemy

that will fall

from our lips

when hands become bloodied

by the awaiting prick

that sullies our false ideas

of it not being a bed of roses

unless you clip the thorns…

Not realizing it’s the thorns evolution that

helped those roses to be born.

Becoming tired on a journey

momentarily disguised…as

different levels of one destination,

we say our piece

breaking the perceived lease of lives

temporary now…

through held breaths of frustration

then, free once more

we continue our disastrous course

in passions new

intoxicating desire

bringing old tricks to a new game

and in the end…still unlearned


This too expires.

What’s wrong with our love, loves?

It’s so short lived.

It starts out as a bright flame,

only to end in ashes.

It doesn’t survive the lightest gale

of any type of affliction

God forbid it should withstand the tremors of lust

to prove its faithfulness to commitment;


so it is…and

our love


Each time that it is tested

because our Cupid builds castles

placing value on location.


where all our storms had nested.

Cupid, our dear cherub.

Classically. Blind.

Valuing skies…

airy and light,

not realizing the true worth

of our love

really lies invested

on the foundation where our castle is rested.

 My Inspiration: Divorce

© KohylahPiper 2015

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