Sunday, September 13

#20 The Choice

I wish I could pull you out of that rut…
the one you’ve been living in
we all have our own special kind
but its seems that you’ve become
accustomed to staying in
dreary atmosphere
you didn’t create
but evolved out of situations in life
and now
you’ve owned it
sitting there
looking into its darkness so long
vacant, alone
you’ve consciously abandoned
then forgot about
that other place
you cherished
called home…
home isn’t the kind
that common walls enclose
it’s not the place associated with
your family’s highs and lows
It’s who you are beneath all of this
confusion and loss
this anger, depression
and cynicism of trust...
It’s the you that existed
in an innocent plot.
It’s the you that
still cradles an essence of love.
It’s the you that is strong enough to
take control of the power
you’ve been given
to get out of that rut
and move on with your life
not looking down again ever
to that hole that you made a haven
of smothered joy
magnified guilt
and aborted prayers
you never believed in enough to utter…
I wish I could pull you out of your rut;
it would be…
my greatest pleasure
but it’s your choice and not my arms,
though outstretched still
that determines if you stay in that gutter.

My Inspiration: Morning conversations

© KohylahPiper 2015

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