Wednesday, September 30

#30 The Scent of Sargassum

How is it

that you wander

aimlessly to

wherever the winds

compel the tides

only to then become

trapped on the very

shores that you

despised your entire life?

Aren’t you the same

that emerged from

an enigmatic flow

that enabled

you to lure into your


fluorescent life

that swum carefree


just below

your golden-brown hue…

that tried its best

but had yet learn to

keep its identity


treacherous storms

though each wide ocean

signaled an alarm

to changes that

even they could not

have thought to predict

that left you a victim

in between a unexpected

switch that

banded your leaves

into a meandering creature

obscure and thick

that soon became filled

with left over pieces

of deadened nature

casting deteriorated

shadows over your calm


intruding the bays


almost suddenly


gifting the sulphurous

taste of your tears

to every one

who comes near

to observe, and sweep

away your tainted,

salty fears

openly concentrated

under the sun

 replaying the times you spent

running away from

the predicted events

that whisper your untold stories

gently through the fumes

of your giveaway stench…

My Inspiration: Sargassum Weeds

© KohylahPiper 2015

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